Jum Jum says I'm a creep. Hahaha, what a hippo. Do you like bunnies? I like bunnies, they are pink and fluffy and are good with ketchup. Wii is a good machine. Our teacher's name is Mrs. Teacher, we can't tell you her real name because, then the world would blow up and marshmallows would fly up everybody's nose.If you are reading this you have good eyes. Please send an e-mail to thefury26@yahoo.ca, saying "I have good eyes and I would like a seashell".

Friday, March 21, 2008

The long weekend

Hi, it's wonderful here in Wamboolia because Alaska sux. Do you know why it's the long weekend? Cause Alaska sux!. This is the story of somebody who LIKED Alaska.

There once lived a child named Steven. Steven loved Alaska because it was so unique. He wished that his family could move to Alaska. But his parents always said "No Steven, shut up and do your Calculus and triginometry questions". Steven feared that he would have to live in Colorado for the rest of his life
"I hate Colorado!" Steven shouted as he walked to school the next day. "I want to go to Alaska!".
Steven became so enthralled with the thought of going to Alaska, that he often daydreamed about it during his school lessons. As a result, Steven became dumb and stupid because he spent his time thinking

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