Jum Jum says I'm a creep. Hahaha, what a hippo. Do you like bunnies? I like bunnies, they are pink and fluffy and are good with ketchup. Wii is a good machine. Our teacher's name is Mrs. Teacher, we can't tell you her real name because, then the world would blow up and marshmallows would fly up everybody's nose.If you are reading this you have good eyes. Please send an e-mail to thefury26@yahoo.ca, saying "I have good eyes and I would like a seashell".

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I don't like Ali's blog. It's too weird. Hannah k's blog is too full of pictures, and I want Super Mario Galaxy for MY Wii. Not her's!! I don't see what so great about tubing. Jr. Band sucks and my Wii Boxing lvl is over 600. Paste and Bill are best friends now. The panda sometimes stealing Bill's knapsack, which is full of little doo-dahs. Like a machine gun. I wish I had more Wii games. I should have gotten Mario Galaxy or Paper Mario, or Super Smash Bro. I want Trauma Center: New Blood. Looks fun. Nobody ever reads my blog, so who cares!! Why am I even writing this!! Oh yeah, this is Halo, a sick game from three years ago. One awesome game. I wish they made a Wii version.


jum jum said...

see what i mean by beeing a creep. aniway stop complaing about your dumb ol' wii and how you want this and how you want that and get it yourself . and you have to many videos
you should put more pictures

polymod said...

wats so good about pics? videos can moov!!!

Paste said...

Shut up Branny

polymod said...

i like video!
i like foto 2 but...
vido still beter
i stil like video beter
thay can moov!