Jum Jum says I'm a creep. Hahaha, what a hippo. Do you like bunnies? I like bunnies, they are pink and fluffy and are good with ketchup. Wii is a good machine. Our teacher's name is Mrs. Teacher, we can't tell you her real name because, then the world would blow up and marshmallows would fly up everybody's nose.If you are reading this you have good eyes. Please send an e-mail to thefury26@yahoo.ca, saying "I have good eyes and I would like a seashell".

Friday, February 29, 2008

Suka Gebly?

Attention everybody. I am looking for a picture of a Suka Gebly. I don't care what it is, just take a picture of Suka Gebly. I prefferably want a picture of a weird-looking person writing the word "SUKA". Face and word must be seen.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Welcome everybody!

Everybody is welcome to watch, but not everybody is allowed to post. Out headquarters is in a secret middle school where the students are obsessed with Yu-Gi-Oh. Anyways, welcome our new posters (get it? Posters?) I hope somebody posts something because they have a huge variety of crap to choose from. Later I'm going to post a YouTube video that I like.

Happy Posting.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

New Posters (Get it? Posters?)

Hi, if you're reading this then chances are you've either stumbled upon this government archive of national secrets. Or you've been invited to post on the Cow Secret Blog! Hope you have fun. If you have been invited, please contact me at my e-mail. Which you all know. This is not meant for public eyes and only as a communication system between the cows. All very important secrets will be posted in Webdings. This is an example.

Life in Wambooli

Wambooli is the BEST country in the world. Even better than the USA or Canada (wherever that is). We have parks, malls and the best schools. So please, come to Wambooli. Yeah, even though the name of this blog is "Life in Wambooli", I won't always talk about that boring branson. Check it out, this is a picture of a Wamboolian fall time.